Minggu, 15 Februari 2015
CONTOH SURAT LAMARAN KERJA is made of course to be a reference for those of you who are looking for a guide to making a job application letter. There may be millions of articles on the internet that provide guidelines with examples of the good job application letter for a job application letter apply to companies as well as a cover letter to apply for a job as an ID.
Of the many guides and tips on writing a job application, in general, there are several things to consider when making a cover letter and what it is, and what distinguishes between making a job application letter for the company and for ID? To create a cover letter, is actually very dependent on where you apply for a job if you apply for a job to private companies, government or state-owned companies. In writing job applications we can use handwriting or by typewriter but of manpower information explained that when applying for work for companies generally can be made by hand or typewriter writing depending on where the company you are applying for a job while the job application letter in this regard for employess it must be handwritten
Job application letter that I made in this article I have made in accordance with the format and structure of writing a job application and before proceeding to the CONTOH SURATLAMARAN KERJA helps me fill also tips and criteria to make a good surat lamaran kerja and true because after a cover letter that we send is the process that determines the beginning and opening up opportunities whether you are eligible or not an employee of a particular company, so before making a job application letter helps you learn first how to make a job application letter following notice sample job application letter which I will share this time
How to make a good job application letter and correct
How do I create a cover letter really work? actually making a job application letter is not as difficult as one might imagine, it's just that there are a few things to be aware of where the job application letter should have the following structure below
1.Tempat and date of writing
2.Perusahaan addressed
3.Salam respect
4.Kata introduction
personal 5.Biodata
6.Pengalaman work and skill
tips in making a job application letter
1. Using language that is good and true
2.Format writing neatly arranged in a language that is not long-winded
3.Surat job application should be written manually and it is you who are making
4.Lengkapi with the data required by the company where you apply for a job
5.Lampirkan letter supporting such work experience certificate
IMPORTANT: In some occasions I often see job advertisements in different forms just listed and addressed to the candidates to send cv job application. You should know that cv is the attachment fittings are included in the job application letter that you send and that means you have to make a job application letter and cv or accompanied by a curriculum vitae and other terms of completeness I've explained on every job application examples below and to create a CV and other requirements please see example through a link at the end of this article
Contoh surat lamaran kerja
Bali, 20 Maret 2014
Kepada Yth :
Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 10 Singaraja Bali
Perihal : Lamaran kerja
Dengan Hormat
Berdasarkan informasi dari media cetak, koran Terpadu perihal lowongan pekerjaan di perusahaan tempat Bapak/Ibu pimpin. Melalui surat lamaran ini saya ingin mengajukan diri untuk melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin guna mengisi posisi yang dibutuhkan saat ini. Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :
Nama : Fahrur Rozi
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Singaraja, 11 Agustus 1989
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Pendidikan : SMK Perhotelan Bina Lestari Bali
Alamat : Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 8 RT/RW 09/006
Telepon : 085252446757
Untuk melengkapi beberapa data yang diperlukan sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak/Ibu pimpinan diwaktu yang akan datang, saya lampirkan juga kelengkapan data diri sebagai berikut :
1.Pas Photo.
2.Foto copy KTP
3.Daftar Riwayat Hidup
4.Foto copy Ijazah Terakhir
5.Foto copy Sertifikat Competensi
6.Foto copy Sertifikat PKL
Demikian surat lamaran ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan atas perhatian serta kebijaksanaan Bapak/Ibu pimpinan saya mengucapkan terimakasih.
Hormat saya
Fahrur Rozi
Contoh surat lamaran kerja
Denpasar, 21 April 2014
Kepada Yth :
HRD PT. Cahaya Abadi,
Jl. Pulau Alor No. 10 Denpasar Barat
Dengan hormat,
Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini :
Nama : Ahmad Zakaria, SE
Tempat, Tgl. Lahir : Denpasar, 29 Mei 1985
Alamat : Jl. Tantular No. 15 Renon Denpasar
No. Telp/HP : 081338667711
Pendidikan : S1 Manajemen
Dengan surat ini saya ingin mengajukan lamaran kerja di perusahaan yang Bapak / Ibu pimpin sebagai Marketing.
Saya memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai Marketing Manajer di salah satu perusahaan terkemuka di Jakarta, dan dengan surat permohonan ini saya siap untuk memberikan dedikasi dan kompetensi baik waktu dan tenaga saya apabila diperlukan dan sangat besar harapan saya agar dapat diberikan kesempatan wawancara maupun tes lainnya.
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan surat :
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
2. Foto copy Ijazah
3. Foto copy sertifikat
4. Foto copy KTP
5. Foto copy transkrip nilai
6. Pas photo terbaru
7. Surat Pengalaman Kerja
Demikian surat lamaran kerja ini, saya ucapakan banyak terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak / Ibu.
Hormat saya
Ahmad Zakaria, SE.
As I explained at the beginning of the article that made a cover letter can be conditioned in accordance with the job you apply for a job because these days most companies require skilled employees using a computer or typewriter but if you apply for a job for the ID is required to use handwriting
Based on the above reasons, if you apply for a job that involves a computer or typewriter strongly advised to make a job application by way of typed but not necessarily be written by hand and if you choose to write a job application by hand should be on the curriculum completeness vitae be given a brief explanation letter that you are also skilled use of a computer or typewriter
Of the two examples of application letter above I think it is quite clear about the structure and format of writing a job application letter and hopefully through this article can provide benefits and allows you to make a job application letter. Regarding the completeness of data such as work experience letter and curriculum vitae or also referred to as the curriculum vitae can be learned at the following link
example cv-curriculum vitae
letter for letter work experience but your experience is not working but the head of the company that made the last place you work.
For other matters related to how to make a job application letter example of spelling, fonts and paper used in a job application you can check in the comments field and if there are less understood about how to create and sample job application letter above, please ask in the comments field but please read the first comment earlier comments that I have replied and I say thank you for your visit zetapedia.com
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